D.O.M. - Delirium Odium Mortem

Wait a minute, is this some personal rip?! You bet your sweet pepe it is! Don't get used to it, though. Won't happen that often.
Anyway, this is some tasty Brazilian underground gem for all you gringos out there. D.O.M. is a long running Industrial/Noise project, that has released a pretty good number of split and full-length tapes, ranging from noisecore to sound collages, always on the fringes, you won't find much info about it on Discogs. I already wrote a release for a tape of his that I put out, so I won't extend this introduction too much, you can check it [here]. Also, notice the name shtick for titling the releases. Genius stuff!
This little ep here contains some nasty post-mortem electronics, really reminiscent of the current Sewer Election and Altar of Flies (and related projects) sound, surprisingly enough. Primitive synth noises, organ (at least that what it sounds like), and some samples and disembodied voices as toppings. If you like all that filthy Scandinavian sound art, then you can't miss [this].
